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Welcome to the official documentation of Preseria, the presentation management software specifically designed for meetings and conferences.

Preseria streamlines the collecting, checking, distribution and playback of presentation files at events, large or small.

Main Features

🌎 Web app for presentation management: Collect presentation files from presenters, set upload deadlines, publish presentations to the web and more.

💻 Desktop app for live event production: Download & synchronize presentations, seamlessly display slides, images, videos and more.

Organization of the Documentation

  • Getting started explains the essential information you need to start using Preseria as an event organizer - from inviting presenters to upload to displaying slides during your live event.
  • Web app describes the web app interface basics and contains tutorials specific to the web application, such as how to import a presentation schedule from an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Desktop app describes the desktop app interface basics, how to install the desktop app and explain the differences between its two modes; Presenter Mode and Technician Mode.

Preseria Terminology

"Conference", "Day Conference", "Session", "Presentation", "Placeholder", "Invitation", "Presenter", "Organizer" and "Organization" are important concepts that are used throughout the system and these docs.

This table describe their meaning, in the context of Preseria:

Term Description
Conference A Conference is an event spanning one or more days, consisting of one or several Sessions. Create a Conference if your event lasts for more than one day and/or contains multiple tracks (in different rooms).
Session A Session always belongs to a parent Conference and consists of a chronologically ordered collection of Presentations. A Session has a start time and an end time (within the same day) and is limited to a specific location (typically a room). Sessions are also often referred to as "Streams", "Tracks" or "Parallels" (indicating concurrency).
Day Conference A Day Conference is a single-day, single-location event. Like a Session, it consists of chronologically ordered Presentations. Unlike a Session it is a stand-alone event and does not belong to any parent Conference. Day Conferences are suitable for one-day, single-track events, like seminars, meetings or a breakout session to a larger Conference.
Presentation A Presentation is a chronologically ordered collection of files. Most times they only consist of one file, typically a PowerPoint. A Presentation always belongs to a parent Session, where it has a specific position (1st, 2nd, etc.). Presentations also have a duration, measured in minutes. Its position and duration, together with the duration of preceding presentations in the same Session, is what determines a Presentation's start and end time. Presentations are usually owned by a Presenter, but in some cases they can be owned by an Organizer, like when someone is both a speaker and the host of an event.
Placeholder A Placeholder is a special type of Presentation that only Organizers (not Presenters) can create. It is basically a Presentation (collection of files) that you can use across Sessions and Conferences. A typical use case for a Placeholder is to hold videos or slide decks that you want to show in every Session of your Conference. For example; A video with sponsor messages to be shown during breaks in each room. Instead of creating identical presentations in each Session, you can create a Placeholder once and re-use it across all your Sessions.
Email Template Each Organization starts with two default email templates: Invitation and Reminder. These can only be edited by the Organization Admin. Regular Organizers can create custom email templates and save them for later use in the Email Template Library. All Email Templates saved to the Library can be re-used by other Organizers in the same Organization. If you want to keep a template private, choose to save it "For Conference" or "For Session" when prompted.
Invitation & Reminder An Invitation is basically the first email that is sent from Preseria to a Presenter, on behalf of an Organizer, inviting the Presenter to upload their files for a conference. The invitation consists of a link that is unique to the Presenter. When an Organizer re-sends an Invitation, it is often referred to as a "Reminder".
Presenter A Presenter is a user, identified by an email address, that are invited to the system by an Organizer to upload his/hers files for one or more Presentations of a Conference hosted by the Organizer. A Presenter can only view and modify his/her allocated Presentations
Organizer An Organizer is a user that belongs to an Organization with access to create, modify and share access to Conferences and Day Conferences with other Organizers in the same Organization. Organizers have full control over Conferences that they've created.
Organization An Organization represents the Preseria account that Organizers are associated with. Organizations have Organizers as members. Organizations always have one Organizer that acts as the administrator. He/she may add other Organizers to the Organization and set different Organization defaults, such as the Organization's standard Email Template and Email Banner.

About the Documentation

The Preseria documentation is continuously written and edited by Preseria team members. Each page contains a timestamp at the bottom that shows when the page was last updated. If you think something is missing from this documentation, don't hesitate to reach out and let us know.

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