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Presenter Mode (Windows only)

The Presenter Mode, currently only available for Windows, requires the computer to be connected to a secondary screen, typically a laptop + projector screen. You must also make sure to set your additional display to "Extend" your desktop (not duplicate).

Image of Presenter Mode ><

The Presenter Mode is identical to the Technician Mode, except that once you open a Session or Day Conference you'll be presented with the Presentation Control Window on your primary display and the Background Image on your secondary display.

Image of Presenter Mode ><

The Presentation Control Window lets you open and control the slide shows of the different presenters. It shows the session schedule in the top-right, the files of the selected presenter in the bottom-right, the slides of the currently running presentation file (PPT/PDF) in the bottom-left (or media controls, if playing a video) and the current display on the projector in the top-left.

How to switch between presenters and their presentation files (PowerPoints, PDFs, Videos)

  1. First select the presenter in the schedule (top right). This will close any open presentations and automatically show the background image to the audience.
  2. Once a presenter is selected, his/her files (usually just one) will appear in the bottom right list. Click the file you want to launch and click "Play". A spinner animation will be shown (if enabled in "Settings") while the file is loading.
  3. Files will be shown in fullscreen on the secondary monitor. PowerPoints will also open their Presenter View window if you enabled this in "Settings". To close a running PowerPoint presentation in Presenter View, either advance through the last slide, which will automatically close the PowerPoint, or click the "Esc"-key, which will bring the Preseria window to the foreground. Then you can either select another presenter or click "Stop" to end the PowerPoint slideshow.
  4. If the current file playing is a video, "Pause" and "Seek" controls will appear in the bottom left. The video will be loaded and started automatically once you click "Play". You may loop a video by clicking on the "Loop" checkbox next to the seek bar.

How to handle incoming updates

If the button on the top-left of the schedule changes from grey to blue, and its label changes from "Synchronized" to “Download Updates”, then there's been made changes to the current session that you may need to download. Different things may trigger an "Update"; Someone may have uploaded or updated a presentation file, the presentation order might have been modified, or the duration of a presentation might have changed.

Important!: Clicking “Download Updates” will stop the current presentation, displaying the Session background image to the audience. Therefore only do this during a break or otherwise appropriate time.

Something unexpected happened ?

If Office PowerPoint or Adobe Reader, stops responding for some reason, Preseria might also stop. If you encounter any weird behavior, closing Preseria and opening it again might help.